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Single Origin oder Blend? Worin liegt der Unterschied?

Single Origin or Blend? What's the difference?

Single Origin oder Blend? Worin liegt der Unterschied?

Single Origin or Blend? What's the difference?

You've probably come across the terms single origin or blend when looking for the perfect coffee. The latest trend can now be found in every roastery and even Starbucks hasn't missed it: s...

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Arabica und Robusta im Vergleich: Welche Sorte macht das Rennen?

Arabica and Robusta in comparison: Which variety wins the race?

You've probably seen it before: the coffee packaging says "100% Arabica" in large letters. Arabica coffee is often subconsciously sold to us as the “better” c...

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Natural oder Washed Kaffee - Die Aufbereitungsart

Natural or washed coffee - the type of preparation

For many coffee drinkers, the terms natural or washed coffee are still foreign words. Although the method of preparation has a big influence on the aroma and ...

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10 Tipps, um Deinen Kaffeesatz sinnvoll zu nutzen

10 tips to use your coffee grounds wisely

The coffee grounds contain a variety of antioxidants that offer protection against free radicals. Free radicals are very aggressive and attack our cells. This...

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Die 8 größten Kaffee-Mythen im Check

The 8 biggest coffee myths checked

A coffee in the morning is essential for most Germans - but we are also doing something good for our health with it? Is coffee really a slimming agent or is i...

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Kaffee fördert Deine Bewegung

Coffee encourages your movement

A new study from March 2023 found that above-average coffee consumption increases physical activity. The study was approved by the institutional review boar...

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Was denkt die Wissenschaft über Kaffee?

What does science think about coffee?

We asked ourselves: How much coffee is actually healthy and why do we wake up from our midday slump after a delicious cup of coffee? We clarify contradictory ...

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Kaffee in der Schwangerschaft: Schade ich meinem ungeborenen Kind?

Coffee during pregnancy: will I harm my unborn child?

With a positive pregnancy test, thousands of new questions suddenly arise. Many of these revolve around nutrition, as the expectant mother no longer eats just...

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Die Geschichte des Kaffees

The history of coffee

We travel back in time with you and trace the exciting history of coffee.Who discovered it and where does the coffee bean actually come from?What is behind al...

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8 Tipps für nachhaltige Weihnachten

8 tips for a sustainable Christmas

Introduction The mountains of garbage are piling up day by day during the Christmas season. Unfortunately, sustainability is often underplayed, especially at ...

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